Once again.....kindergartners go to the zoo. This is Gunnar's class and his teacher is Miss Phillips. IT was a cool day of 70's (maybe 80) as evidenced by their jackets!! aaaaahh Gunnar is first row...last one on the right!!
Audra (not unlike her mother) has to bring a bag, really a purse wherever she goes. She often thinks which stuffed animal would go well with this situation and then has to go back upstairs and get the right purse and the right animal!! This was Gunnar's smile when he spotted a little girl from his kindergarten class! Is that a smile? Where is the combine? If there is hay here....why isn't there a tractor?? The five cousins at the Pumpkin Patch!
Tonight we had just a little family gathering (Chris is in Austin) So really just 1/2 a family gathering for Anders' third birthday. He, as you can see, is still KING at three. The special...surprise guest was none other than "Miss Jenny!" Making a smashing hit as the "special guest" she wowed everyone with silly teeth and a birthday car for Anders. They LOVE Miss Jenny and Mr. Brandon and this was a treat to have her for dinner. And yes....most likely.....all three will need braces.
This little lovebug turns three tomorrow.... A mother hopes as two turns into three that the energy once reserved for mischief turns into energy for work and play. A mother hopes that as two turns into three pull ups will soon be behind us...a mother hopes as two turns into three that hitting and tantrums give way to words and monologues...a mother hopes...that as two gives way to three that the precious smile remains, the laughter, the silliness does not give way to care but the childlike wonder remains.
Gunnar waits...waits...waits...and then kicks the ball all they way down the field in his first game! He is famous for tripping almost every time he "sees" the ball. He loves being on the ground? Audra keeps after the ball with great tenacity!
Audra and Gunnar are on the same Y soccer team this year and Chris got voted coach by default. It's hysterical and precious all at the same time. Here they are in practice. THey've had one game and honestly it was so cute I could hardly stand it. The female coach on the other team was yelling at her kids while Chris and the other dad looked like a Disney movie. They (the Dragonflies) won 2-1 and their next practice a little girl from the other team had joined. Her mother said..."we left for ethical reasons!!!!" I said...."you won't have yelling here and just as I said that we looked to see all the kids in a huddle around Chris yelling with glee.....GGGoooooooo DRAGONFLIES!" Ahhh......childhood!!!