Did I mention we have boys? Oh yes....our first trip to the ER w/ Anders. Three hours, four shots, six stiches later and we're home. He fell in the tub tonight (pulling a stunt!) and hit his eye on the edge of the tub. The nurse said.... "He's going to have a black eye tomorrow!" I said glibbly "Oh his 4 year old brother just got over two of his own black eyes!!" She stopped laughing..... She said a little more seriously. "Hmmm they might be checking in to your family??" Heee hee......I shared too much information!!!!!!!!!
PS: WE owe Uncle Lee a big thank you. He quickly came over, abandoned his plans, Colette was glad to help and we could not have gone so quickly or with such ease had it not been for our family!! THANK YOU!
Oh sweet boy... wowzers. This must be some wierd right of passage I don't know about!
I'm speechless. Owie!!!!
So sorry Anders.
Love Auntie and Uncle Dinis.
We just got on the internet and to our horror we are greeted with this picture of our little sweetie.
We love you honey. Please be careful. Mormor
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