Audra has asked us questions along the way about baptism as she has seen others baptized in church or learned about it in scripture. Audra has professed Jesus as Lord of her life for some time but after asking us questions she would then always end with "not for me! I don't want to be in front of ANYONE!!" Chris and I never brought it up but this past December she came with some persistence to us and said "I WANT TO BE BAPTIZED!!" so this past Sunday while my parents where here and in front of a large group of family and friends and our church body she was baptized....I have to say as a mother it was one of the moments (sort of like the first day of kindergarten) when you realize... your child isn't going to be by your side your whole life. She asked to be baptized, she is the one who talked to the Pastor and she walked bravely into a big big tank of water in front of an entire church and said YES I believe that JESUS died for me and I want to live a life following HIM. THe Pastor asked for friends, family and those that have taught Audra along the way to stand up...many many people stood to their feet. And I got choked up knowing....that it "takes a village". This is how GOD intended the family to look. It was Believers walking alongside one another...filling in the gaps, praying alongside, holding the parents accountable and loving each other's children. For my family and friends that were not here... I pictured you standing with us that morning...
**PS..as I am still sleep deprived..YES I forgot my camera that morning?! How do you like that!
Audra, I am so happy for you. God Bless you, "auntie gail"
That was beautifully written. I wish I could have been there. We love you Audra and are so proud of the choices you are making.
Auntie Jann
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