Sunday, April 29, 2007

Would the real Carlson please stand up....

Please cast your vote....Which Carlson is it?

Saturday, April 28, 2007

The road less traveled...

It's amazing what a fun drink can do to make the morning fun last! Where will their paths take them? Lucy? Gunnar? Anders? They're on the right road...

The looks tell it all...

Yesterday we had cousin Lucy with us all day. I decided to spend most of the morning at our favorite new park with so many things I thought it would keep us occupied. The three amigos did really well together and when I captured this picture I laughed with a belly laugh. The looks tell the personalities!

"Don't sweat the small stuff"

These were the words of our neighbor George when he saw Anders in the puddle face down today. We were watching Gunnar as he attempted his first brave adventure without training wheels (they went back on) and when we turned around Anders was giving himself a bath in the puddle. Yes George...that is our hope "don't sweat the small stuff!" (easier said then done)

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Summer comes early to Houston....

Every year it feels that we get "summer" in the Spring. We've started the backyard "pool" ritual which makes for some good "episodes". This year Anders gets his first real try at the pool and he has taken to the water like a fish!!
100 degree we come!!!!

Sunday, April 22, 2007

"good ol' fashion relay"

Tonight we had our "Team Kids" Olympics at church. Audra and Gunnar go up to church Sunday nights and go to Team Kids and Praise Kids. They enjoy it and it gives us a little one on one time with Anders. Well tonight was the last night of the season and as you can see we did not WIN the "piggy back" relay. The next shot is one of the three of us rolling off Chris' back.
Good time had by all....

Friday, April 20, 2007

Episode # 134: "Broken Dreams"...

There is such a thing as "this isn't funny anymore!". This plate, "handmade in Italy" a wedding gift to us 13 years ago was the latest casualty in Anders long list of "broken things". I decided that if I can compose a list, when he gets his first job I may garnish his wages. The mind of Anders thinks like this "I wonder what would happen if I threw a 10 lb dumbbell from the top of the stairs?" Our wall found out after he and Gunnar rolled it from the top of the stairs (a big hole is what happens). When questioned how this weight got to the top of the stairs from being hidden far beneath a diaper changing table Gunnar replied "I tink it grew legs and walked mommy?" Anders thinks... "I wonder what would happen if I unscrewed my bottle and poured my milk on the stairs?" "I wonder what would happen if I took these used egg shells out of the garbage?" "What would happen if I made this rolling toy truck my rolling step ladder so that I could dig deep into mommy's drawers?" "I wonder what would happen if I climbed up the back of the couch and got bananas down and ate them with their peels on?" "I wonder.....I wonder? I wonder?" Anders list includes things like our "You are special plate", Glasses we got on our honeymoon, votive candle holders, one of each set of dinner glasses I own, toys, books torn to shreds.... my question is... "I wonder how long a mother can keep her sanity under these particular conditions?" Does one really have any say over your child's personality? The truth is....I don't think so. I think they come out......full of life with exactly what they got. Audra....the quiet drama, Gunnar the goofy train head and Anders.....well....he's Anders.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

UPS Pick up

I set them by the door in a reasonable box? But still no pick up! I wonder if I need to put some tape on the box?

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

"Run Forest Run!"....

This is a game.....a constant game in the Carlson house. As I believe is true for many parents. This particular evening daddy was late at work and I was parked in a chair as the official of the race. Anders trails typically not far behind. This is actually after bath and you'll note the sopping wet head on Gunnar is not leftover from the tub but dried hair turned sweat drenched!! Ugh!

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Tis the Season

There are some things that are distinctly Texas to me. One of them is "Blue Bonnet" season. In the early part of Spring the Hill Country (the area near Austin and San Antonio) is full of wild flowers. The ditches, the hills, the roadsides are littered with thick patches of blooming, colorful flowers. The state flower of Texas is the Blue Bonnet seen in this photo. This picture is really a poor representation of the thick, beautiful patches seen in the country but it was taken as a "drive by". They're really a site to see!

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Pickle's Party

Audra has always been our "paint" lover. She adores crafts, painting, coloring (unlike her mother). This year she had a few of her precious friends and cousins with her to the Painted Potter. Introducing some of her "circle". Far left is Alyssa (her kindergarten classmate), Olivia (her 3 year old "cousin" whom she adores), Her cousins, next to her Katherine (her friend from birth!!) and Lucy her cousin that is as cute and silly as the day is long! Of course she missed her other girl cousins...Tyra, Greta and Ilsa! (Joey, Tanyi & would have had to hang out with Gunnar and Anders)
Happy Birthday to our 6 year old. May you paint many Monets in your lifetime! Dream big baby girl.

Episode: "Who's your daddy?"

Gunnar has always marched to his own beat. Although he seeks his daddy's approval he has never "shadowed him". Anders on the other hand! He is a "daddy's boy" all the way. This little rascal is at his daddy's side the minute he walks in the door. Climbing, "hold me", in his closet, yard work. If Chris brushes his hair. Anders is looking for his own. This was Anders the other night when Chris came home a little later and was eating his dinner Anders insisted on being up there with him. The beauty in this, of course, is that Chris too was a rascal as a small boy. "What goes around, comes around!" Right daddy?

Thursday, April 12, 2007

episode: #113: Time-Out

Does one become too comfortable with this ritual?

Episode #112: Happy Birthday to??...

Introducing an ongoing guest to the Carlson Cast. This smashing, blonde Swede was actually a part of the ORIGINAL cast set at Lost Valley Ranch. She was one of Amy's roommates in 1992 (yes...that long ago) and was instantly given the title "kindred". There are some friends in life that you open their refrigerator to find the same foods you have in yours, the same CDs, the same books, the same clothes. That is Kirsie, my twin seperated at birth. Happy Birthday (April 9th) to the "Star of her own Show" entitled "The Kamm Kast!" We love you Kirsten....from the entire family!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Happy Birthday "Pickle"

Our oldest turned six today and this was her request: Pumpkin pancakes and bacon!! She celebrated the ENTIRE day. We had a banner to wake her, gifts, her favorite cereal, lots of precious phone calls from family, a "retelling" of her birth and as I was putting her to bed I looked her in the eyes and said "Audra, I would not trade you for anyone!" to which she replied matter of factly "I would trade you.". Trade me for whom I said.... "um, maybe Aunt Colette!!!"
Ouch.....thus begins another day of motherhood.

Monday, April 9, 2007

Four Generations...

Here are four generations on Easter morning. Grandmother's words in a hushed whisper to her grand-daughters were "We only want what Jesus wants for our lives". She is in so much physical pain but this is still her deepest desire.


This picture was taken Easter morning....Grandmother was celebrating her 91st Easter while Audra has seen only six. I wonder what Audra's story will be some day as she holds the hand of her legacy....

Grandmother's Hats

I learned a lot about Grandmother this weekend and was reminded of more... She was a lady of bags and scarfs. She reminds me so much of my own grandmother in that she had so many projects going, even up to date. In her bed even in the last weeks she has requested needle and thimble to finish a project that "needed to get done". Here are her great-granddaughiers in some of her hats!

Episode: A trip to "grandmother's"...

Audra and I have just returned from a 4 day trip to New Mexico. We had the privlege of going with Aunt Colette and Katherine to help "Mimi" and to spend time with Grandmother who is very very sick at this time. We had a priceless time of visiting. This was our breakfast in El Paso! We left early early Friday morning and arrived in El Paso just in time for a Grand Slam at Denny's.

Monday, April 2, 2007

More from the Garden...

It's that time again....Episode: Planting the Garden

Audra has helped me plant the garden since she was 11 months old. Then she crawled through the dirt while I planted my first garden on Village Dale and we've done it every Spring since. She now goes with me to pick out the plants, she gives her opinion on where to plant, especially the potted flowers. I truely think Audra was meant to live on the farm. She feels most comfortable when she is "working" whether it's raking the leaves or planting her tomato plants!! Here's to Spring!

Sunday, April 1, 2007

Episode: Palm Sunday...

One down. Although he doesn't look like it....Anders had a fever and stayed home from church with his mom on Palm Sunday. the other two got in their Sunday digs and celebrated Palm Sunday with their dad at church. It isn't Gunnar's favorite thing to take a picture. this you may have noticed from shot to shot. Now Audra and Anders on the other hand can't get their smiles up fast enough!